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AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service)
By Jitendra | Aug 14, 2017 | In Tips | Total Views [ 1040 ]
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There are many features of AWS S3 (Simple Storage Services) services.


1). Easy to manage your flat files in multiple region

2). Get your files replicated to other region as DR solution.

3). Control the file changes and keep all your changes using AWS S3 versioning features.

4). Save your costs if you are a long term user having huge data transaction frequently. Using AWS Glacier storage with its Lifecycle feature.

5). All your flat files can be available to anyone by giving them permission as all your files are on AWS Uniqueue URL on internet.

6). Save your metadata (data of your data) like, date modified, changed, date created etc. to track the data.

7). Glacier service is very low cost storage service where you can store your huge amount of data in much cheaper cost.

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