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HP Virtual Connect - Any VC Domain Running VC Firmware Versions 3.30 through 4.01 May Not Properly Load the Virtual Connect Manager (VCM) Web User Interface
By Jitendra | Sep 20, 2017 | In Tips | Total Views [ 5199 ]
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HP Virtual Connect - Any VC Domain Running VC Firmware Versions 3.30 through 4.01 May Not Properly

HP Virtual connect manager stuck at loading libraries at 4%.

This issue will occur because the Virtual Connect Web UI requires the use of Adobe Flash Player and the digitally signed files used by Adobe Flash Player expired
It was blocking us to manage the HP Virtual console and which may lead to production outage due some network profile issue with the servers.

HP Virtual Connect - Any VC Domain Running VC Firmware Versions 3.30 through 4.01 May Not Properly Load the Virtual Connect Manager (VCM) Web User Interface


Download the following seven (7) files directly from Adobe:

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non-HP site Non-HP site Non-HP site Non-HP site Non-HP site Non-HP site Non-HP site


Copy the files into a temporary directory. Open a command window in the directory containing the downloaded files and use the following commands to rename the files:

This issue will occur because the Virtual Connect Web UI requires the use of Adobe Flash Player and the digitally signed files used by Adobe Flash Player expired

ren framework_4.1.0.16076.swz => 871F12AF0853C06E4EB80A1CCAB295CEADBB817A.swz

ren framework_4.1.0.21490.swz => F78F74378B1552FF9A1725155D1B43BA54BE9094.swz

ren osmf_flex. => C3306B26751D6A80EB1FCB651912469AE18819AB.swz

ren rpc_4.1.0.16076.swz => 6DDB94AE3365798230849FA0F931AC132FE417D1.swz

ren spark_4.1.0.16076.swz => 6344DCC80A9A6A3676DCEA0C92C8C45EFD2F3220.swz

ren sparkskins_4.1.0.16076.swz => 440AE73B017A477382DEFF7C0DBE4896FED21079.swz

ren textLayout_1.1.0.604.swz => 381814F6F5270FFBB27E244D6138BC023AF911D5.swz

For Windows systems, copy the renamed files to the following directory. When prompted, select the option to overwrite the destination file(s):

%appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player\AssetCache\(dir)

For Linux systems, copy the files to the following target path:

/<user homedir>/.adobe/Flash_Player/AssetCache/<dir>

It was blocking us to manage the HP Virtual console and which may lead to production outage due some network profile issue with the servers.

good luck!!!

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